Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Joseph Cornell (versus mediocrity)

Momentarily, altered art projects tempted me to pull out the blunt scissors & elmer glue. Y'know, try my hand at an altered book, or a collage box or screen.

But after googling "altered art," I see amateur DIY kids and housewives long ago seized upon altered art to set up shop. Lots of sloppy, cheap, community art class crap out there involving fairies and/or angels. For sale all over etsy and eBay. I'm sure a lot of it's okay, or at least fun, but . . .

I no longer feel the urge to contribute my own de'coupaged layer of crap.

I know, I know, I'm being crotchety, but "If I can't stand my own mediocrity, how could I tolerate yours?" *

Anyway, I still enjoy (and feel motivated by) the masterpieces of:
Joseph Cornell
He also made wonderful films.

*quoting yours truly