Thursday, July 19, 2007

Images of Galvanism: Beautiful Electrical

Not so sure about the "beautiful" but, yes, quite electrical. Fascinating macabre victorian images relating to galvanism, named after Luigi Galvani.

In 1771, Galvani discovered how to make a dead frog's legs twitch. Science and magic!

Galvanism - noun
1. electricity produced by chemical action
2. the therapeutic application of electricity to the body (as in the treatment of various forms of paralysis)

Galvanize \Gal"va*nize\galvaniser - verb
1. To affect with galvanism; to subject to the action of electrical currents.
2. To plate, as with gold, silver, etc., by means of electricity.
3. To restore to consciousness by galvanic action (as from a state of suspended animation); hence, to stimulate or excite to a factitious animation or activity.